
One quality that the piano and not many other instruments share is that you can play more than one note at a time - it is polyphonic! Thus, unlike instruments like the flute or violin, you can play exciting pieces with harmonies even when playing alone, also it means your voice is left free to sing along to whatever you’re playing. Unlike the violin, any notes that sound out of tune can not be blamed on the performer, each note will always sound in tune, regardless of your skill level.
The piano is also a staple of family sing-along - whether you are singing Christmas carols or playing some favourite movie tunes. The very design of the piano lends itself to groups of people gathered around, singing along. This is one of the most social of activities.
There are a wide range of opportunities if you are a piano player. You can travel on a cruise ship, earn money playing for weddings in churches or enjoy the social life of a band. You can teach others through a college or from your own home and accompany vocalists, choirs, violinists, and others as they perform for competition or for an audience - the possibilities are endless.
Here are a few examples where you can hear wide variety of roles of the piano in action…
FUN FACT: Although the piano contains around 230 strings, it is considered a percussion instrument due to the hammer mechanism that produces the sound. It lives in the same family as drums and xylophones.
Get Started
When starting the piano in an ideal world is it best to learn on an acoustic piano. If this is not a financially viable option the next best option is to learn on a weighted or semi-weighted stage piano. There are also electronic keyboards which are not the most ideal solution due to the keys not being weighted, however it is still a popular due to the lower price point. If you are interested in purchasing an acoustic piano we recommend that you purchase a new one. The reason for this is if a used piano has been in a damp environment and/or has dropped in pitch (of a tone or greater) it is possible to restore the piano back to concert pitch, however it is extremely likely that the piano will drop back to its previous pitch after a few months. If you then have to have it re tuned back to concert pitch every few months the attractiveness of a cheaper second hand piano soon becomes much more expensive than purchasing a new one in the first place...
Yamaha NP31 Stage Piano is the ideal solution for anyone who needs a compact, stylish and portable piano-style keyboard with superb sound quality and great features. This instrument creates a realistic piano sound together with a semi-weighted keys and a selection of instrument voices.

Digital Pianos
The Roland RP301 Digital Piano is a very high quality digital piano featuring a fully weighted keys and an expressive and authentic sound, blurring the line between digital and acoustic. It is ideal for beginners and intermediate players and has an onboard metronome, recorder, and 'twin piano' feature (designed for side-by-side lessons or performances with a teacher or duet partner) make learning efficient and fun. The Roland RP301 is available in both Rosewood and Satin Black finishes depending on your preference.

Acoustic Pianos
Beginner Books
Here are the best selling piano tutor books for beginners:
Me and My Piano Part 1 is one of the most popular piano tutor series for the complete beginner by Fanny Waterman and Marion Harewood. It takes you step by step through basic piano technique, initially with separate hands and then introduces very easy pieces with both hands playing at the same time. The pieces in part 1 cover rhymes and songs introducing characters such as the Sammy Squirrel, the Ostrich and the Old Man with a beard! Me and My Piano also has lots of puzzles and games in part 1 to make the theory side really exciting! Once you have finished part 1 you can move onto the next fun book in the Me and My Piano series!
Piano Time Book 1 is part of the best-selling Piano Time series for young beginners. Piano Time 1 is a great book to get if you want to start playing as it takes you from the complete beginning through a wide array of pieces is various styles and has full colour illustrations! Piano Time 1 covers the following key areas: sharps, and flats, easy scales and keys, symbols and dynamics. Once you have completed book 1 you can move onto the next book in the series!
Chester's Easiest Piano Course Book 1 is a comprehensive and completely up-to-date course written by Carol Barratt, specially written for today's youngest beginner. The three books of this course are carefully paced to match both the progress of the young pianist, and satifsy the demands of the professional Teacher. The full-colour illustrations, on every page, emphasise the information being taught, and bring new life to learning to play the piano. The bright and humerous pictures brighten up the pages to make learning the piano fun and bring new life to learning to play the piano. The innovative ways of teaching mean that you will always remember the information taught.
John Thompson's Piano Course Book 1 is a comprehensive step-by-step course specifically designed to suit the needs of all children beginning the piano. Includes: characters and illustrations writing exercises sight reading drills review work accompaniments and more. This first piano book is colourful, easy to follow and includes teachers accompaniments. The book is primarily aimed at children so includes some well known nursery rhymes to play and cartoon charaters to guide you through. There is also a John Thompsons Piano Course Book 1 with CD edition available which includes lots of back tracks to play along to which is really fun!
The Piano Note Finder is an excellent resource for any beginner to refer to. Simply open it up and put it along the top of your piano/keyboard keys - it shows you where all of the notes (all 88 notes) are on the piano/keyboard along with where each note is on a musical stave.
Finding a Piano Teacher
Music Centres - playing in orchestras & ensembles
This resource was written by:

Sarah Hayward Bmus (hons), MA
Sarah is a sprightly coloratura soprano and active violin and viola player who enjoys interacting with other musicians and teaching her students. Sarah is part of DS Music’s Education Outreach & Marketing Team and is passionate about the expansion and Educational Outreach of the company in order to help give everyone the opportunity to access music. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Music has the power to change people so help me use it to change the world!! :)